Morning Yoga flow

Morning Bed Yoga Flow

1. Easy Pose- Sukhasana

1. Sit in easy pose
2. Focus on your breathing
3. Inhale deeply, Exhale completely
4. Relax

2. Paschimottanasana

Paschimottasana or sitting head to toe helps in supplying blood to your brain and also helps in excretion
1. Sit with your legs straight
2. Inhale and raise your hands up
3. Exhale and lower your spine and try to touch your toe, without folding the knees ( or you can touch your or knees ) be comfortable

4. Inhale and comeup
5. Exhale and lower your hand

3. Cat and cow pose

Increases breathing capacity 1. Come to hands and knees 2. Inhale and arc your spine 3. Exhale and curve your back
4. Come back to hands and knees

4. Child's pose

Helps in relaxation and increasing blood supply to brain
1. Sit in vajrasana or Thunderbolt pose
2. Inhale and raise your hands. stretch here
3. Exhale and lower your lower back, chest, chin and forehead.
4. Breathe here. Feel your stomach expand when you inhale And relax your lower back when you exhale. continue for 5 breathes
5. Now inhale and rise up, stretch a little
6. Exhale and put your hands down.

I hope this helps you to increase your productivity! Breathing is the main trick here. Flow with our breathe
Happy Yoga!


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