Lockdown 2.0- 5 Ways To De-clutter Your Mind

On 14th April Prime Minister announced that the lock down has been extended. In the world where the future is unpredictable, it is hard to remain calm. It is hard for me to remain calm at least. Being an extrovert, it is hard for me to not meet people and not talk mainly ( many people who know me personally would tell how much I love talking ) This all leads to me overthinking about the stuff I shouldn't even be thinking at the first place. And I hope it's not just me and there are many of us who are experiencing this. So I started meditating and not that traditional meditation where you sit and imagine things (yes it is one of a type but for me it is exhausting). I realised meditating is just being in present and not thinking about future or past because we can't change our past and can never control our future so why worry  So I found certain ways by which you can be in the present 1. Mindful Breathing Just 10 mins of this is enough for calming your m...